Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pacific Plastic Soup - Garbage in the Ocean (4)

Who knows, maybe you never heard about the Pacific Garbage Patch before. If not, then you definitely should watch the videos I will post over the next few days.

This patch is often referred as the "Pacific Plastic Soup". It is a huge area in the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, literred with plastic. All sorts of plastic. Plastic, which is non biodegradable. The impact on the nature is huge, and we can even not yet imagine, what the impact in the future on our humans will be.

So take your time, and watch. If you like it, then spread the message via Twitter, Facebook or other social media. And next time at the supermarket, consider to say (when they ask you if you'd like to get a plastic bag) "Thank you, not required. We already have too many plastic bags at home!". And watch then the people's reaction ;-)

Video 5: Two generations ago, they thought plastic is the best thing which could happen to the mankind. Interesting, to watch this from the retroperspective.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pacific Plastic Soup - Garbage in the Ocean (3)

Who knows, maybe you never heard about the Pacific Garbage Patch before. If not, then you definitely should watch the videos I will post over the next few days.

This patch is often referred as the "Pacific Plastic Soup". It is a huge area in the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, literred with plastic. All sorts of plastic. Plastic, which is non biodegradable. The impact on the nature is huge, and we can even not yet imagine, what the impact in the future on our humans will be.

So take your time, and watch. If you like it, then spread the message via Twitter, Facebook or other social media. And next time at the supermarket, consider to say (when they ask you if you'd like to get a plastic bag) "Thank you, not required. We already have too many plastic bags at home!". And watch then the people's reaction ;-)
Video 4: Look at this beach, it is really unbelieveable!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pacific Plastic Soup - Garbage in the Ocean (2)

Who knows, maybe you never heard about the Pacific Garbage Patch before. If not, then you definitely should watch the videos I will post over the next few days.

This patch is often referred as the "Pacific Plastic Soup". It is a huge area in the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, literred with plastic. All sorts of plastic. Plastic, which is non biodegradable. The impact on the nature is huge, and we can even not yet imagine, what the impact in the future on our humans will be.

So take your time, and watch. If you like it, then spread the message via Twitter, Facebook or other social media. And next time at the supermarket, consider to say (when they ask you if you'd like to get a plastic bag) "Thank you, not required. We already have too many plastic bags at home!". And watch then the people's reaction ;-)
Video 2+3: We know two patches, the western and the eastern pacific patch. Think about that ultimately these toxic materials from the plastic will enter (or have already entered) the food chain. and we're at the end of the food chain....!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pacific Plastic Soup - Garbage in the Ocean (1)

Who knows, maybe you never heard about the Pacific Garbage Patch before. If not, then you definitely should watch the videos I will post over the next few days.

This patch is often referred as the "Pacific Plastic Soup". It is a huge area in the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, literred with plastic. All sorts of plastic. Plastic, which is non biodegradable. The impact on the nature is huge, and we can even not yet imagine, what the impact in the future on our humans will be.

So take your time, and watch. If you like it, then spread the message via Twitter, Facebook or other social media. And next time at the supermarket, consider to say (when they ask you if you'd like to get a plastic bag) "Thank you, not required. We already have too many plastic bags at home!". And watch then the people's reaction ;-)

Video 1: Can you imagine, a beach close to Hawaii littered with plastic!? No, then watch this one:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Auckland Monopoly

Wer kennt es nicht, Monopoly. Ich habe da immer den Eindruck, Jungs und Männer lieben das Spiel, aber die weibliche Seite mag das Spiel gar nicht. Ist das bei Euch auch so?

Egal, vor wenigen Tagen wurde bekannt gegeben, dass rechtzeitig zur Weihnachtszeit eine neue Edition des Spiels heraus kommt: Die Auckland Edition!


Klar, dass die ganzen Offiziellen hier aus dem Häuschen sind und sich darüber freuen. Ist schon auch irgendwie nett, wenn man dieses Spiel spielt und die ganzen Strassennamen, die dort aufgeführt sind, auch aus der Wirklichkeit kennt.

Was auch der Realität entspricht, sind die horrenden Preise die man für die Häuser zahlen muss. Dazu aber mehr in ein paar Tagen (der Häusermarkt in Auckland ist nämlich hot, SEHR hot).

Wer mehr erfahren will, es gibt natürlich auch eine entsprechende facebook Seite :)